Gauri Sawant Biography, Wiki, Family, Life, Husband, Daughter. and Many more

Gauri Sawant is a transgender and a speaker at TEDxHyderabad
Gauri sawant

Gauri Sawant, a very known and popular transgender activist. Gauri Sawant came from a small conservative where her father is a police officer. Gauri Sawant before her transition is known as Ganesh Suresh Sawant. At an early age, she came to know what is wrong with her? She understood that she is different from others and started to try to change herself. To know more about Gauri Sawant continue reading…

Gauri Sawant came to known about her hormonal change at the age of 9 years. At a very early age, she overcame many struggles and she has been bullied by her classmates and friends by calling her with by some unwanted names. Gauri was born in Mumbai and raised by her grandmother.

As she started growing her attraction changed towards Male Gender. This made her undergo Transition of sex. For Transition of sex, her parents refused and insulted her. But she decided to change her Sex and with the help of Humsafar Trust she successfully has undergone Transition.

After her Transition, her parents left her. Gauri started living separately, she overcame many struggles, she undergone many ups and downs, she used to say every time it is not that easy journey from Ganesh to Gauri.

Gauri started many organizations and participated in many Transgenders movements etc. In the year 2000, she started an NGO of her own called ‘Sakhi Char Chowghi’ in Malad, Mumbai. She is a Transgender activist who is very ideological about the freedom of Transgenders. She is struggling to create some space for Transgenders, so they can make their own living. Many of us know that Transgenders are treated very cruelly in our society, so for these people, she started living.

Recently, she appeared in a Vicks ad which became Viral.

Gauri daughter

Gauri as an activist promoted many communities and organizations to have safe sex and She also provides counselling to Transgenders to live freely. . She is also the petitioner of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA) judgement that was passed in 2013. She fought more than 3 years for equal civil rights for the Transgenders.

Gauri adopted a child who is the daughter of an HIV patient who lost her life. Gauri came to know that the grandmother of that girl is trying to sell her Trafficking group, by knowing Gauri adopted her and named her as Gayatri. She is very happy to grow a child with her.

Gauri images

Recently, She started a Donation camp to help all the Transgenders. She started this programme to create a living for all the Transgenders. She is trying to build a house with two floors with medication support. Hope her Goal come true. Let’s hope for the best. Try to help her to reach her goal.

Also, Check Charlie Chauhan Wiki.

She is a TEDx speaker at Hyderabad. She has adopted a child whose mother has died due to HIV. She has appointed as ambassador of Election commission

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